Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Broker-- John Grisham

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I am a big fan of John Grisham. His latest novel is The Broker. It recently came out in paperback, but has been out in hardcover for a while. In this book, power broker Joel Backman is given a last minute pardon by the president, at the request of the CIA. He is then put on an army transport plane, and flown to Italy, where he is given a new name, and is told to never return home. He soon uncovers the plot of the CIA to leek his location to several enemy states, and sit back to see who kills him first. This is a great book, that is impossible to put down. I would give it 4 stars, only because the ending leaves several loose strings, but overall, a fascinating read. For more books by John Grisham, or author information, go to his website.


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